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  • Security in security forces

    All secure. The simplicity of that statement doesn't even compare to the multitude of tasks, requirements and manpower needed to ensure that in any event, Osan Air Base and its assets are protected. The 51st Security Forces Squadron, which is broken down into several different units, works together

  • Fire and ice: Icemen square off with live-fire training

    The temperature outside is a sweltering 90 degrees - a stark contrast to the harsh winters of Interior Alaska. Despite the heat, Eielson's firefighters continue to battle the burning aircraft in front of them.There is no emergency, however.The aircraft is for training purposes, and firefighters with

  • Historian preserves 51st Fighter Wing's heritage

    Tucked away in a quiet office surrounded by books, photos and newspapers dating back to the start of World War II, the historian, John Okonski, works to preserve the 51st Fighter Wing's proud heritage. Historians are responsible for collecting current event information for historical documentation

  • Town patrolmen protect and serve

    By day, the streets of the Songtan Entertainment District are a scene of hustle and bustle with hundreds of vendors clamoring for the business of both serious and window shoppers. The area known as 'downtown' houses multiple restaurants, clothing, gift and alteration shops. But at night, the area's

  • Space-A makes traveling more affordable

    For service members and their families, being stationed overseas can make traveling more accessible, yet the costs can still be expensive. Through the Space-Available travel program, getting around can be much more affordable. Space-A travel, also known as hops, are open seats in military owned or

  • Flesh and blood: moulage brings realism to Icemen

    Fake blood, plastic molds and makeup are usually items reserved for a horror movie or haunted house. For a select few Icemen, these items are in stock year-round.Moulage technicians here create fake wounds on "victims" for the sole purpose of training. These wounds help responders assess a situation

  • Rain or shine Osan forecasters look to the sky

    As an A-10 Thunderbolt approached its target during a training exercise, its pilot tactfully maneuvered the aircraft through the cloudy skies. He then prepped the aircraft to drop its Mark-82 bombs and banked toward the cloud cover's opening just seconds before munitions release. As the pilot pulled

  • 730 AMS keeps Yokota people, cargo moving

    In the civilian world, whenever the U.S. Postal Service needs to ship internationally, they use cargo planes. In the military, the process is pretty much the same except instead of mail, shipments include ammunition, food, supplies and even people. On Yokota Air Base, that mission is accomplished by

  • Aero club gives Osan Airmen wings

    Every Airman, no matter their job, is no stranger to the roar of an aircraft passing overhead. As many will look up to watch it pass, some may aspire to pilot an aircraft themselves. Through the Osan Aero Club, any Airman can do just that. The Osan Flight Training Center, casually known as the Osan