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  • Myths and facts about the vax — debunking common COVID-19 vaccine myths

    The COVID-19 vaccine has been mandated across the Department of Defense and despite its demonstrated effectiveness and safety, a host of myths have left some Airmen and Guardians hesitant to receive it. While social media posts and some news outlets may make it harder to keep up with what is fact or

  • DOD releases overseas stop movement order in response to COVID-19

    Building upon previously enacted movement restrictions governing foreign travel, permanent change of station moves, temporary duty and personal leave, this stop movement order will also impact exercises, deployments, redeployments and other global force management activities. Approximately 90,000

  • Ops Airman rediscovers self in Misawa fitness center

    Gaining physical strength while becoming leaner and more confident is how Senior Airman Sidnea Bailey, a 35th Operations Support Squadron aircrew flight equipment journeyman, became the resilient, independent and driven Wild Weasel she is today.