Kunsan Recycles -- Do you?

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Jessica Hines
  • 8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
What kind of recycle-ist are you?

Do you pick through the trash bins in your home to ensure every soda can or piece of cardboard is placed in the right recycle bin?

Or maybe you have a different approach, only recycling large items and more obvious pieces that require single trips to the green bins outside.

Or possibly you're a passer-by recycle sympathizer. Those in this group make an effort to throw an extra piece of paper or plastic bottle in the respective bin if it's within close range (like staring-you-in-the-face range).

Recently, I sat down with Kunsan's D.J. Davis, environmental training manager for the 8th Fighter Wing, to get the 4-1-1 on how Airmen here can upgrade their own recycle status and keep the Wolf Pack thinking green. Below are my questions along with Davis' answers.

Recommendations on recycling: "'How does one determine if an item is recyclable or not?' is a common question. My adage is usually 'when in doubt, throw it out'. However, with recycling, a good rule of thumb is if you don't have to wash your hands after handling the item, it's very likely recyclable."

Where can Airmen recycle around base?: "Just about everywhere on Kunsan Air Base. Green dumpsters are next to every dorm and most work centers. Multiple bins will have what they're designated for on them. Large items can be placed next to the dumpsters (pallets, big-screen TV boxes, etc.)."

How?: "Recycled items should be put in clear trash bags or placed directly in the green containers. Smaller blue bins will be found in the work areas for mainly paper, however, some units have designated recycling collection points for cans, bottles, etc."

What can be recycled?: "Just about anything is considered recyclable. For example: clean/rinsed cans, plastic or glass bottles, and paper or plastic cartons/boxes/bags, except for paper, Styrofoam, and some plastic food containers. If the item has food residue on it that cannot be easily rinsed off, it's trash. For example, anything that you microwave food in or on, fast food/take-out containers/wrappers for the dining facility or food court, and napkins/paper towels used in the kitchen for cooking or clean-up."

Special considerations?: "Permanent change of station time: Many items get thrown away instead of being taken to the Airman's Attic for redistribution. This is a great place for folks to take their unwanted items to be given to others that may not have the cash to buy what they need. This is "reduce/reuse/recycle" at its best!"

Any other pertinent information Airmen should know about? "Scrap metal might be generated in large quantities at your work center. Any questions on that or any other recycling matters can be directed to our recycling manager, Yim Chae-Yong, at 782-6239, or me, D.J. Davis, at 782-3702."

Kunsan Recycles. Do you?