ARLINGTON, Virginia -- Senior enlisted military leaders from eight Indo-Pacific nations gathered for the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force’s Senior Enlisted Leader International Summit (SELIS) here, August 1.
SELIS gave senior leaders from Allied and partner nations a multilateral platform to secure common interests, promote shared values and deter current and potential threats by demonstrating the strength of the Department of the Air Force’s global relationships.
The Command Chief of Pacific Air Forces, Chief Master Sgt. David R. Wolfe, emphasized this collaborative forum’s importance.
“One of our objectives here is to help all like-minded nations develop an enlisted corps that is relevant, ready and trained,” Wolfe said. “We need expert enlisted forces who think and act on a level of competence on par with the nations we have been working alongside since World War II.”
The Indo-Pacific theater’s air forces have major differences in how they are structured and operate. SELIS provides an opportunity for decision makers and influencers to invest more into their enlisted forces’ development to gain initiative on the modern battlefield.
“Our 39 Indo-Pacific partner nations currently place variable levels of value on their enlisted corps,” Wolfe explained. “To achieve meaningful integrated deterrence, a honed enlisted force with high standards will be the decisive edge moving forward.”
PACAF leaders frequently engage regional Allies and partners in professional development through annual events such as the Pacific Air Chiefs Conference, mobile training teams for professional military education and Airman to Airman talks between international subject matter experts.
“We work diligently to help every one of our Allies and partners take the next, best step, that’s right for them,” Wolfe said.
A new developmental forum, the Inter-Pacific Air Forces Academy, is in development and will be discussed in detail with Chief Wolfe and his Indo-Pacific colleagues later this week.