Chief Master Sergeant. David K. Andrews is assigned as Command Chief Master Sergeant, Eleventh Air Force, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. He serves as the senior enlisted leader conducting the mission of providing ready warriors and infrastructure for homeland defense, decisive force projection, and aerospace command and control. He is the primary enlisted advisor to the Commander, Alaskan Command, Alaskan NORAD Region, and Eleventh Air Force on matters of force utilization, morale, and welfare of enlisted members and their families assigned throughout Alaska.

Chief Andrews entered the Air Force in 1979 shortly after graduating from high school. His distinguished career includes duty as a crew chief, flight mechanic, instructor, flight evaluator, several positions as NCOIC, operations superintendent, flight supervisor, and additional duty first sergeant. In 1996, he retrained into the first sergeant career field and served with five squadrons including a deployment participating in Operation SOUTHERN WATCH. In 2000, he was selected as 62d Airlift Wing Command CMSgt (CCM) providing leadership to and advice regarding an enlisted force of 2900. During his tour with the 62 AW, he deployed as the first CCM for the 376th Air Expeditionary Wing, Kyrgyzstan executing combat missions and combat support during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM while constructing a new base for a population of 2000 members from nine countries. In 2003, the Chief was selected as Commandant, Air Force Senior NCO Academy where he led and educated over 10,000 senior enlisted members from US and foreign armed forces attending the SNCO Course and CMSgt Leadership Course. The Chief holds Master Aircrew wings with over 3000 flight hours in T-43A and C-20A/B/C aircraft and has been awarded the Chief Maintenance Specialist Badge. He was appointed as Command CMSgt, Eleventh Air Force on 25 April 2005. His home of record is South Dakota where he and his wife own a small farm.

1982 Professional Military Education Course II, Mather AFB, CA
1984 Initial Ground School/Simulator Course (Gulfstream III), Flight Safety International, Savannah, GA
1986 Basic Aircrew Survival School/Water Survival School, Fairchild AFB, WA
1986 Noncommissioned Officer Leadership School, Charleston AFB, SC
1991 Military Airlift Command Noncommissioned Officer Academy, McGuire AFB, NJ
1995 USAF Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Maxwell Air Force Base, Gunter Annex, AL
1996 USAF First Sergeant Academy, Maxwell AFB, AL
1996 Associate of Applied Science degree, Aircraft Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force, Andrews AFB, MD
1997 Senior Enlisted Equal Opportunity Workshop, Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), Patrick AFB, FL
1997 Covey Leadership Conference, Solomons, MD
1998 Combined Humanitarian and Rescue Training (CHART), San Diego, CA
2003 Senior Leadership Course, Center for Creative Leadership, San Diego, CA
2004 Gettysburg Leadership Experience, Gettysburg, PA

1. September 1979 - November 1979, Trainee, Basic Military Training School, Lackland Air Force Base, TX
2. November 1979 - December 1979, Trainee, Aircraft Maintenance Technical Training School, Sheppard AFB, TX
3. January 1980 - February 1985, Crewchief/Expeditor/Flight Mechanic/Functional Checkflight Crewmember, 323 Organizational Maintenance Squadron, Mather AFB, CA
4. February 1985 - June 1988, C-20 Flight Mechanic/Instructor Flight Mechanic/Evaluator Flight Mechanic, 1st Military Airlift Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD
5. June 1988 - February 1992, C-20 Flight Mechanic Evaluator/Instructor, 99th Airlift Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD
6. February 1992 - February 1993, Assistant NCOIC, C-20 Flight Mechanic Section, 99th Airlift Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD
7. February 1993 - February 1994, Operations Superintendent, 99th Airlift Squadron, Andrews AFB MD
8. February 1994 - April 1996, Flight Supervisor, 99th Airlift Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD
9. April 1996 - June 1997, First Sergeant, 89th Aerial Port Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD
10. June 1997 - October 1997, First Sergeant, 1621st Air Mobility Support Squadron, Prince Sultan AB, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
11. October 1997 - April 1998, First Sergeant, 89th Mission Support Squadron, Andrews AFB, MD
12. April 1998 - November 1999, First Sergeant, 60th Medical Operations Squadron and 60th Surgical Operations Squadron (concurrently), Travis AFB, CA 13. November 1999 - November 2000, First Sergeant, 635th Air Mobility Support Squadron, Hickam AFB, HI
14. November 2000 - April 2003, Command CMSgt, 62d Airlift Wing, McChord AFB, WA
15. January 2002 - Apr 2002, Command CMSgt, 376th Air Expeditionary Wing, Peter J. Ganci Air Base (Manus), Kyrgyzstan
16. Apr 2003 - Apr 2005, Commandant, Air Force Senior NCO Academy, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL
17. Apr 2005 - Present, Command CMSgt, Eleventh Air Force, Elmendorf AFB, AK

Bronze Star
Meritorious Service Medal with five oak leaf clusters
Air Force Commendation Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal with four bronze stars
Southwest Asia Service Medal with one bronze star
Basic Military Training Honor Graduate Ribbon
Small Arms Expert ribbon with one star

1979 Honor Graduate, Basic Military Training School, Lackland AFB, TX
1991 Awarded Chief Maintenance/Munitions Badge, Andrews AFB, MD
1991 John Levitow Honor Graduate, NCO Academy, McGuire AFB, NJ
1993 Awarded Chief Enlisted Aircrew Wings, Andrews AFB, MD
1995 Distinguished Graduate, SNCO Academy, Gunter Annex, Maxwell AFB, AL
1996 James C. Binnicker Honor Graduate, First Sergeant Academy, Maxwell AFB, AL
2003 Air Mobility Command Honorary Security Forces Member, McChord AFB, WA 

Airman Basic 19 Sep 1979
Airman First Class 19 Mar 1980
Senior Airman 19 Mar 1982
Sergeant 1 Sep 1983 
Staff Sergeant 1 Dec 1983
Technical Sergeant 1 June 1988
Master Sergeant 1 July 1991
Senior Master Sergeant 1 March 1995
Chief Master Sergeant 1 October 1998